Our books

We are working on translating the following books:

Leigh Brasington

Right Concentration: a Practical Guide to the Jhānas

In this book Leigh Brasington introduces us to the practice of the jhānas, in an accessible language. Original English version here.

Right Concentration - Leigh Brasington

Stephen levine

A Year to Live: How to Live this Year as if it Were Your Last

Stephen Levine guides us through this work towards embracing every moment, every hour and every day as if it was our last. Original English version here.

Thangru Rinpoché

Showing The Path of Liberation: The Kagyü Lineage Prayer

This book presents the schema of the kagyü lineage prayer as a path of liberation. Original English version here.

Portada: el camino de la liberación, Thangru Rinpoché

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